Shipping Information

Indian Domestic Shipping
  • Shiprocket, India's most-used eCommerce logistics and shipping software solution is the best service provider, who ships our orders. 
  • Orders are usually shipped within 48 hours from the time of order confirmation. After order processing and leaving the warehouse, it will take between 3-5 business days to reach the destination. Domestic shipping rates varies with the shipping zones within India. 
  • Time in transit begins once your order has been mailed out, not from the time your order was placed. However, please note that the processing time can also be affected by the stock status of individual items, Covid-19 restrictions and national holidays etc. 
International Shipping
  • Orders are mailed out within 72 hours from the time of order confirmationAfter order processing and leaving the warehouse, it will take between 7-10 business days to reach the destination. International shipping rates varies on the destination country.
  • Time in transit begins once your order has been mailed out, not from the time your order was placed. However, please note that the processing time can also be affected by the stock status of individual items, Covid-19 restrictions and national holidays etc. 
For further enquiries you can email us at
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